Stefano Corna
Direttore di Istituto, Primario f.f.

Richiedi appuntamento
  • Fisiatria
  • 0322.884923
  • [javascript protected email address]


Selective depression of medium-latency leg and foot muscle responses to stretch by an alpha 2-agonist in humans.

Corna S, Grasso M, Nardone A, Schieppati M.

J Physiol. 1995 May 1;484 ( Pt 3):803-9

Neck muscle responses to abrupt free fall of the head: comparison of normal with labyrinthine-defective human subjects.

Ito Y, Corna S, von Brevern M, Bronstein A, Rothwell J, Gresty M.

J Physiol. 1995 Dec 15;489 ( Pt 3):911-6

Unilateral displacement of lower limb evokes bilateral EMG responses in leg and foot muscles in standing humans.

Corna S, Galante M, Grasso M, Nardone A, Schieppati M.

Exp Brain Res. 1996 Apr;109(1):83-91.

Reflex (unloading) and (defensive capitulation) responses in human neck muscle.

Corna S, Ito Y, von Brevern M, Bronstein AM, Gresty MA.

J Physiol. 1996 Oct 15;496 ( Pt 2):589-96

The effects of hyperventilation on postural control mechanisms.

Sakellari V, Bronstein AM, Corna S, Hammon CA, Jones S, Wolsley CJ.

Brain. 1997 Sep;120 ( Pt 9):1659-73

The functional effectiveness of neck muscle reflexes for head-righting in response to sudden fall.

Ito Y, Corna S, von Brevern M, Bronstein A, Gresty M.

Exp Brain Res. 1997 Nov;117(2):266-72

Standing on a continuously moving platform: is body inertia counteracted or exploited?

Corna S, Tarantola J, Nardone A, Giordano A, Schieppati M.

Exp Brain Res. 1999 Feb;124(3):331-41

Subjective perception of body sway.

Schieppati M, Tacchini E, Nardone A, Tarantola J, Corna S.

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1999 Mar;66(3):313-22

Postural coordination in elderly subjects standing on a periodically moving platform.

Nardone A, Grasso M, Tarantola J, Corna S, Schieppati M.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2000 Sep;81(9):1217-23.

Abnormal interaction between vestibular and voluntary head control in patients with spasmodic torticollis.

Münchau A, Corna S, Gresty MA, Bhatia KP, Palmer JD, Dressler D, Quinn NP, Rothwell JC, Bronstein AM.

Brain. 2001 Jan;124(Pt 1):47-59.

Comparison of Cawthorne-Cooksey exercises and sinusoidal support surface translations to improve balance in patients with unilateral vestibular deficit.

Corna S, Nardone A, Prestinari A, Galante M, Grasso M, Schieppati M.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2003 Aug;84(8):1173-84

Afferent control of walking: are there distinct deficits associated to loss of fibres of different diameter?

Nardone A, Corna S, Turcato AM, Schieppati M.

Clin Neurophysiol. 2014 Feb;125(2):327-35. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2013.07.007. Epub 2013 Aug 12

Dizziness and Falls in Obese Inpatients Undergoing Metabolic Rehabilitation.

Corna S, Aspesi V, Cau N, Scarpina F, Gattini Valdés N, Brugliera L, Cimolin V, Capodaglio P.

PLoS One. 2017 Jan 11;12(1):e0169322. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0169322. eCollection 2017



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