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Carlucci A, Vitacca M, Malovini A, Pierucci P, Guerrieri A, Barbano L, Ceriana P, Balestrino A, Santoro C, Pisani L, Corcione N, Nava S. End-of-Life Discussion, Patient Understanding and Determinants of Preferences in Very Severe COPD Patients: A Multicentric Study. COPD. 2016 Mar 30:1-7
Cirio S, Piran M, Vitacca M, Piaggi G, Ceriana P, Prazzoli M, Paneroni M, Carlucci A. Effects of heated and humidified high flow gases during high-intensity constant-load exercise on severe COPD patients with ventilator limitation. Respir Med. 2016 Sep;118:128-32.