Chiara Bocci
Dirigente medico

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  • Radioterapia
  • 0382.592369
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Bocci Chiara, Ivaldi Giovanni Battista, Meaglia Ilaria, Porcu Patrizia e Costa Alberto. Treatment vasomotor symptom for menopause induced by hormone therapy and/or chemotherapy in young women with breast cancer. Oral presentation/European Journal of Integrative Medicine 4S(2012) 9-123. OP 005

Bocci Chiara, Porcu Patrizia, Meaglia Ilaria,  Ivaldi Giovanni Battista. Evaluation of a Homeopathic and Phytoterapic complex (Lymdiaral) in the clinical management of  breast oedema following cancer treatment. Poster Presentation/ European Journal of Integrative Medicine S(2012) 9-123. PP- 003

Bocci Chiara, Meaglia Ilaria, Porcu Patrizia, Ivaldi Giovanni Battista. Role of a homeopaticcomplex (VC 15 forte) in fatigue induced by radiotherapy treatment. Poster Presentation/ European Journal of Integrative Medicine 4S(2012) 9-123. PP- 004

Bocci C, Pasquali G, Zanini M, Moro L, Bassetti C, Tabarelli de Fatis P, Pannella  A, Fantinato D. Skin damage probabilities using fixation masck in high-energy photon and electron beams  for head and neck cancer patients. Comunicazione orale. XII congresso NazionaleAIRO (2002).

Palazzi M, Soatti C, Bianchi E, Alterio D, Baio A, Bocci C, Bonetta A, Feltre L, Guzzetti R, Jereczek-Fossa BA, Merlotti A; AIRO-Lombardia Head and Neck Working Party. Italian Association for Radiation Oncology. Guidelines for the delineation of nodal regions of the head and neck on axial computed tomography images. Tumori. 2002 Sep-Oct;88(5):355-60.

Jereczek-Fossa BA, Catalano G, Bocci C, Garibaldi C, d’Onofrio A, Ciocca M, Leonardi MC, Marsiglia HR, Lazzari R, Orecchia R. Analysis of mandibular dose distribution in radiotherapy (RT) for oropharyngeal cancer. Eur J Cancer 2001; 37 (suppl 6): S106 (abstract 385).

Jereczek-Fossa BA, Catalano G, Bocci C, Garibaldi C, D’Onofrio A, Ciocca M, Leonardi MC, Alterio D; Bianchi L; Marsiglia HR, Lazzari R, Orecchia R. Mandibular dose distribution in patients with oropharyngeal cancer treated with bifractionated radiotherapy. Tumori 2001;87(Suppl 1) S41-S42.

Bocci C, Jereczek-Fossa B, Manigrasso G, Morra A, Catalano G, Ivaldi G, Orecchia. Ruolo della eritropoietina umana ricombinante nella radioterapia nei tumori della testa-collo. Tumori 2000; 86 (suppl 2): S25. [The role of human recombinant erythropoietin in radiotherapy for head and neck cancer]

Bocci C, Jereczek-Fossa B, Morra A, Manigrasso G, Catalano G, Orecchia R. Carcinoma del retto localmente avanzato - radioterapia preoperatoria iperfrazionata accelerata (HART) – esperienza dell’Istituto Europeo di Oncologia. Tumori 2000; 86 (suppl 2): S85. [Hyperfractionated accelerated preoperative radiotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer - experience of the European Institute of Oncology]

Bocci C, Jereczek-Fossa B, Catalano G, Morra A, De Braud F, Masci G, Vavassori A, Ansarin M, De Paoli F, Marrocco E, Orecchia R. Radioterapia bifrazionata (bidRT) preceduta da chemioterapia di induzione con vinorelbina (VNR); cisplatino (CDDP), e fluorouracile (5-FU) nei tumori localmente avanzati (LAHNC): esperienza dell’Istituto Europeo di Oncologia. Tumori 2000; 86 (suppl 2): S89.

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